
IT security is a top priority for us, and we have put in place tools and processes to reduce the risks of cyber-attacks and ensure that our client data is safe. Our internal policies address multiple levels of security, including physical security, organisational security and procedural security. This helps us address various data and IP security concerns associated with software outsourcing.

Our IP security services help to find and address vulnerabilities before they impact your business and your customers.

Protecting your IP

Safeguarding your data

Secure coding standards safeguarded your software against security vulnerabilities. We follow a secure coding practice checklist that covers the following areas:

Let's Talk
System & infrastructure configuration
Database security
File management
Memory management
Auth & password management
Access control
Input validation
Output encoding
Cryptographic practices
Session management
Error handling and logging
Data protection
Communication security

Case Studies

Our Clients

We work with top startups, leading brands and enterprise
leaders, including, Fortune 500 firms.

Awards & Recognition

We have won numerous awards and accolades in recognition of our work.

Let's Talk

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us to schedule a consultation.