Which is better for mobile app development: in-house or outsourcing

23/10/2024 20mins
Ramesh Ch


When it comes to developing any kind of mobile application, it is normal for any mobile app development company to be concerned about whether to get it done in-hour or outsource it. Many app development companies believe that getting the app developed in-house is cheaper as compared to outsourcing. They also believe that hiring mobile app developers in-house will make the development faster, cheaper, more controllable. So if your company is planning for in-house development then a few points need to be analysed for better resource utilization.

The in-house development challenges

  • Expensive and time-consuming- a mobile app development team consists of many people who play different roles. Programmers, designer, quality assurance engineers, analysts, project managers are needed. Your team may have them at hand or maybe one of them might be missing. In case you do not have the required staff hiring must be done. It may take weeks to roll out the HR team and find out the suitable candidate. Apart from that the hiring and relocation require money and other expenses include salary to be paid, an advertisement for the post, hiring the hr team and getting other background checks done.
  • Skillset struggle- a company may not always have the required mobile app developers at hand. The reason being each operating system requires different skills. Like the coding languages need different skills as compared to ios or android developers. It becomes expensive to hire all the developers.
  • High-risk factor- keeping an in-house mobile app development team becomes very risky. The reason being, the skills need to be top-notch and advanced. Moreover, the team, the app development company has must be trained and updated if the scope of the project expands. This makes it riskier to have the team replaced or trained at every new project.

Advantages of outsourcing

Outsourcing your mobile app to an app development company can give you a better product without much expense, hassle and high maintenance. There are many benefits of outsourcing like

  • Fixed costs of the app till delivery.
  • Established team with great working skills and training.
  • Reduced time lag because of an already existing team.
  • Already decided contract and work guidelines will give you a better product delivered on time. In case of failure, payment can be deducted.
  • Many apps have standard plugins and features. An experienced team has already built such features thus saving the time and cost of developing it again.
  • And the outsourced team will be experienced and clear about what the client wants and expects. This will remove any unwanted guess works included and give a top-quality final product to the client without many rejections.
  • There are a variety of options available in case of outsourcing like if the project needs to be completely outsourced or only a part of it.

Bottom line

The main aim is to get the desired product at a cheaper rate. Business means to make more profits without cutting down the quality. So definitely outsourcing is better compared to the in-house development. Here are a few outsourcing companies in India you can contact to hire for different types of businesses.


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