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Top JavaScript Frontend Frameworks that You Must Know


Top JavaScript Frontend Frameworks that You Must Know

Developers have to keep in mind a lot of factors when it comes to selecting appropriate frameworks for javascript frontend development. For instance, they have to decide whether they want a framework that is rich and loaded with features or one that is compact and lightweight. Moreover, it is also crucial to understand whether a library or other resources are required as well. While there are ample commendable javascript frontend development frameworks at the disposal of such developers, it only makes taking this decision a notch harder. 


This article can help you decide which framework to opt for as we have discussed the top seven frameworks for javascript frontend development.



  • AngularJS


AngularJs is one of the best frameworks for javascript frontend development when it comes to web applications. Created by Google, this Type-script based framework is one of the most popular development environments among frontend developers. It provides HTML as the template language and allows you to extend the HTML syntax to build the elements of your application distinctly and seamlessly. In addition, attributes such as dependency injection and data binding reduce the need for voluminous coding and make it way easier for front-end developers to build robust and flexible programs. Moreover, it allows you to work within a browser, making it highly compatible with any other server-based technology.


Key Features:


  • Holistic javascript frontend development framework for web applications.
  • Easy to learn and use for web application developers.
  • Offers a wide range of features and library support.
  • Open source and free-to-use javascript framework.
  • Supports code splitting at the route level.
  • Allows for Command Line Interface Tools.
  • It lets developers create applications for desktops supported by Mac, Linux, and Windows, among others.



  • ReactJS


ReactJS is a javascript frontend development framework used to build modern user interfaces. It was created by Facebook and has garnered immense popularity ever since. It allows the creation of recyclable elements, making the codes easily readable. It is a low-maintenance developing environment. This javascript library is dexterous, declarative, and flexible, which makes it popular among developers. It also has an expansive developer community on platforms such as Discord and GitHub. Being an element-based javascript framework, it is a library that allows developers to build interactive and dynamic user interfaces.


Key Features:


  • Allows you to create a virtual DOM for every DOM object, making them easier to handle.
  • The declarative style of React makes it easier to create server-side apps and also to debug the code for errors.
  • It also uses Flux, an app architecture based on one-way data binding.
  • React uses a markup language called Javascript XML or JSX, which has a syntax similar to HTML.



  • Vue.js


This javascript frontend development framework is a progressive library for developing user interfaces. Launched in 2014, Vue.js is one of the most preferred javascript frontend development frameworks for building cross-platform single-page applications. It is considered to be one of the most comprehensive javascript frontend development frameworks at the disposal of frontend javascript developers at the moment. It is extremely flexible and scalable, with a versatile framework and a fully loaded library. This framework allows you to build beautiful user interfaces for client-side web applications. Besides, with an extensive code bank or library, the need to build apps from scratch is also negated, lowering turn-around times during the process of software product development.


Key Features:


  • Vue.js has a virtual DOM, which allows for impeccably fast rendering of any form of code.
  • The data binding feature makes the value assignment to HTML elements easier than ever before.
  • Vue.js is considerably much easier to learn and use for developers with less need to build code logic from scratch.
  • It offers a horde of transitions and animations for a plethora of HTML elements.
  • Vue.js allows for HTML templates to bind the instance data with the virtual DOM making the building experience seamless and the end product robust and upgradeable.



  • Ember.js


Ember.js is a javascript frontend development framework for building large-scale, multi-dimensional web applications with interactive and dynamic user interfaces. It is one of the most productive frameworks for developing single-page web applications. Being a component-based framework Ember.js provides you with everything that’s needed to build a web application from scratch without the need for command-line interfaces or any other third-party software building tools. It also offers two-way data binding, which makes it easier for developers to manage complicated user interfaces while building any kind of web or mobile application.


Key Features:


  • Ember.js provides an inspection tool that makes the scrutiny and debugging of any kind of application relatively smooth and easy.
  • It is an exceptionally easy framework for developers to create and manage modern single-page applications.
  • It is fully loaded with useful features like two-way data binding, a routing system, and rich templates.
  • It is an open-source framework that operates under an MIT license.
  • Due to the presence of an in-built router, it is very easy to manage the URL efficiently.



  • Preact


The Preact javascript frontend development framework is a fast and lightweight alternative to ReactJS. It is ideal for building compact and high-performance web applications. Since the framework is so small, the initial loading, parsing, and execution times of the application are minimized, and it can effortlessly be included in the codebase of any software application under development. It also provides the thinnest DOM abstraction possibilities on top of an existing DOM, which plays aptly with other libraries as well. 


Key Features:


  • It is extremely small in size, about 3 kb approximately, which enables it to create high-performance applications where the code is the smallest part.
  • It also uses memory very efficiently, avoiding GC thrash.
  • The codebase is highly comprehensive and easy to understand by all javascript-based developers.
  • Preact is a holistic and lightweight framework for javascript frontend development that is easy to learn, making it suitable for developers with different proficiency levels.
  • Preact can be directly coded into the browser without requiring a Transpilation process.
  • It is portable and embedded, which means the process of building a widget or a full-fledged app is the same without the need for any complex integrations or techniques. 
  • Preact’s built-in design means that there are thousands of components in the ReactJS ecosystem that can also be leveraged for optimal performance. 



  •  jQuery


jQuery is a framework that has been ruling the IT industry even before the birth of modern javascript frontend development frameworks. It was launched by John Resign in 2006 and has been popular among front-end javascript developers ever since. It is among the best javascript frameworks, being both lightweight and feature loaded at the same point in time. Several leading brands, such as Microsoft, Twitter, Uber, and Pandora, have utilized jQuery to build their unique web and mobile applications.


Key Features:


  • jQuery is popular among developers for its event-handling capacity and scalability features.
  • Since it has a syntax similar to CSS, jQuery is a framework suitable for beginners as well as those with some amount of coding expertise.
  • The latest version includes jQuery Mobile used to build mobile applications the same way it can be used to build web-based applications.
  • jQuery is one of the most lightweight frameworks supporting AMD modules.
  • It has jQuery UI, a free-of-cost code library comprising several UI elements that need not be built from scratch.



  • Meteor


Meteor is an open-source javascript frontend development framework used to build seamless applications for the web, desktops, and mobiles. It supports both javascript and typescript. Businesses such as IKEA, Honeywell, Dispatch, and RocketChat use Meteor to build the front end of their applications. It is extremely useful in creating full-stack javascript apps. Besides rendering the front-end side of an application, Meteor also has other utilities such as business logic, database management, and backend development capabilities. 


Key Features:


  • Meteor allows you to use and amalgamate the technologies you’re already working with. This lets us focus on feature building rather than corroborating the components from scratch.
  • It is a perfect full-stack development framework for seamlessly creating and deploying a wide range of applications for the web, desktop, and mobile on platforms such as iOS, Mac, Windows, and Android.
  • It also allows for isomorphic coding or using the same code base for backend, frontend, web, mobile, and desktop applications.
  • Meteor also supports database integration as it backs all databases with a Node.js driver.
  • It offers one of the most efficient frontend frameworks known as blaze.js, which makes it popular among developers.
  • It also offers all the necessary frontend and backend elements to create web apps in real time.



Concluding Remarks


Javascript frontend development frameworks are integral while building web or mobile apps for any business. These have extensive code libraries and databases, vast support from the developer community, template functions, etc. In addition, applications built on any of these frontend coding environments require comparatively less time, and the code itself is less voluminous. With a mix of browser-based environments as well as small downloadable development environments, the top javascript frontend development frameworks provide a plethora of options to developers in real time. To know which of these frameworks suits your business the best or to migrate between such frameworks, connect with a high-end IT firm such as Focaloid Technologies today.



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