The 5 most revolutionary apps of 2018

27/07/2024 20mins
Anish Prakash


The total number of mobile downloads has been steadily increasing over the years. While the most popular app on both Android and Apple Store continues to be Facebook, with over 81 percent of penetration, 2018 witnessed quite a few revolutionary apps coming into the picture.

Here are five of the best apps of 2018.

1. Adobe Premiere Rush CC

Editing videos is always a hassle. Most professional video editors are free, but they are not easy to use. This is why Adobe Premiere Rush CC comes as a breath of fresh air. It is the ideal mobile app for editing videos when you are on the go.

The best thing about this app is that it can handle quite a number of video clips with immense ease. It allows you to adjust an array of features of the video. However, it does so without making the process too complicated. Most video editors require a desktop to work, but this app functions perfectly well in mobiles. You can sync your work in different devices and pick up the editing process where you left off.

What Adobe Premiere Rush offers?

This all-in-one app lets you create, edit as well as share videos online. You can make your video sound and look professional while on the go. The easy functionality and the fast editing process makes it a top choice for many users. You can also share the edited video directly to social media sites from the app. One catch of the product is that it only works on iOS devices.

Regardless of this limitation, this app manages to offer the following feature:

Excellent quality

You can use your built-in camera to capture high-quality videos from your device and begin the editing process immediately.

Simple editing

All you need to do is arrange the video as per your desire, add or alter the audio and graphics, put photos by dragging and dropping them. And voila, you have edited your video. The included tools allow you to boost the colors of the video, alter the audio and add transitions and voiceovers.

Multiple tracks per video

You can add up to three audio tracks and four video clips in one video. This gives you the creative flexibility most people crave for in video editing apps. The result of the editing process is said to be satisfactory enough to be comparable to professional work.

Excellent audio features

The app is also equipped with useful audio features. You can choose to add music to your file, record your own voiceover or use AI features to balance sound, reduce background noise and to auto-duck.


This app manages to be a revolutionary app since it is the first time such professional output can be achieved when on the go.

2. Who Sampled

Have you ever heard a great song at a party or in the Uber and wondered later what song it was? Nothing is more irritating than not being able to find a song you just heard. Well, WhoSampled succeeded in solving this problem for the masses.

This iOS and Android app help in identifying any music that is being played around you. The app then offers you samples, remixes and covers of the song for you to choose from. This app has been lauded by the masses and received multiple awards for its revolutionary idea. For instance, it was awarded the title of the “Best Music App” by the Music Ally Digital Music Awards.

What WhoSampled offers?

Samples. Artists. Covers. Remixes. By merely detecting the song from your surroundings, this app is able to deliver all the information you could possibly need for a given song. This music discovery app accesses one of the world’s most extensive database of music to extract the song for you. The app succeeds in identifying Electronic music, classical, jazz, Pop, Rap, R&B, and Funk, etc. However, this app is not free and requires you to pay an annual fee for use.

Here are some of the benefits this music discovery app offers:

Correct identification of the song

In most cases, the app is able to identify the song that is playing around you accurately. It quickly scans the database to deliver you covers, samples, and remixes of the music around you.

Large database

To make sure users don’t have to face disappointment, this app scans the world’s most extensive database to find the music. This database is equipped with information about over 180,000 artists and 540,000 tracks. Moreover, new tracks and artists are being added to the database every day.

Easy to use interface

One of the features that have made this app usable by the masses is its clean and straightforward interface. No one wants to waste time trying to understand an app. This is why this app features straightforward navigation which makes music exploration a piece of cake.

Share immediately

If you want to let your friends know that you have stumbled upon a treasure, you can easily do so since the app allows you to share your finding on social media sites easily and quickly.


Even though this app is not free, it still manages to offer convenience to all the music lovers out there. This makes it a great and revolutionary app.

3. Filto

Instagram. Snapchat. Facebook. The popularity of these social media platforms illustrated one thing about 2018, and that is people love sharing stories and videos online! However, filming the perfect and “instagrammable” video is not always easy. This is where apps like Filto come in.

This video editor managed to be quite successful in 2018 due to its value-added features. This app is available on both iOS and Android devices free of cost. The video editor allows users to apply various types of filters to their videos. Many have lauded the video editor for its intuitive and straightforward controls. Users can control the features of the app to the tee. You can select to go for significant or subtle effects. You can decide how much color or light should be added to the video. All in all, the app gives you a lot of autonomy.

What does Filto offer?

Some of the major features offered by the video editing app include:

Frequent updates

It is easy to get bored of adding the same old filters to your videos. This might be why this video editing app frequently updates its collection to include new effects, ranging from rainbow to glow.

Professional looking filters

One glaring feature of this video editing app is that it is just not made for social media sites. Instead, you can use it to edit professional videos as well. This is ensured by the presence of professional filters that can be used in documentaries.

Background customization

Apart from altering the video, you can also make changes to its background. For instance, Instagram requires you to have square footage. This app lets you adjust the borders accordingly to make a given video “Instagram ready.” You can also change the orientation of the video to being full-screen vertical.

Easy sharing options

There are various ways you can share your output with others. Either you can choose to save the video into your camera roll and share it from there, or you can share it directly to Instagram using the app. This feature is also present for other popular social media sites. Additionally, the app delivers an unlisted web link which allows you to share the video with individuals without sending the file to them.


Since 2018 witnessed the continued popularity of social media sites, this app managed to be a great addition since it helps in ensuring high-quality video edits.

4. Fortnite

We can’t talk about the favorite apps of 2018 without including Fortnite in it. You might wonder how this app was revolutionary? Well, it surpassed $100 million on the first ninety days of its release in iOS devices.

 It was the talk of the town in 2018, and the trend is likely to continue in 2019 as well. Moreover, this was the first app that decided to bypass Google Play Store and still manage to crush records. Therefore, it showcases the potential of being successful without relying on Google Play Store.

Fortnite is a classic example of how one can introduce console games to phones without destroying the experience that initial fans loved about the console game in the first place.

What does Fortnite offer?

This game allows you to form a team and compete with others to emerge as the last player standing in the Battle Royale. The features and gameplay delivered include:

The same game as a console

Generally, console games tend to get butchered when they are launched on mobile phones. However, Fortnite managed to offer the same experience as those of Xbox, PlayStation, and Mac. Here too you are required to build a fort while you battle out with your enemies to remain as the last player standing.

The gameplay

The gameplay revolved around shaping your battlefield by developing your own cover while you blast off the cover of your opponents to make them vulnerable. You can play the game with your friends and build a fort together. There are various different islands offered in the game for you to play on.

Teaming up with friends and real players

To increase the stakes of the game, rather than playing against a computer, Fortnite allows you to battle it out with other players. Also, since you can team up with your friends from all around the world, Fortnite allows you to build strong bonds with the gaming community.

Frequent updates

Once you are done with a game, there are only so many times you can play it again before getting bored. However, in the case of Fortnite, this is seldom likely to occur. After all, the developers of the game continue to add updates on a weekly basis. Moreover, new gameplay modes, weapons, and avatars are added quite often.


The successful transition of Fortnite from a console to a mobile game has garnered this app a spot in the top five revolutionary apps of 2018.

5. Google Lens

Mobile search is changing as we speak. There was a time when search engines might have been the best technology. However, now that people have become accustomed to it, Google is further trying to make searching for items easier for its users with the help of Google Lens.

This app was first released as a small feature of Google Photos in 2017. However, soon Google released it as a standalone app in June 2018. This app allows you to search for everything that surrounds you without actually typing anything out. For instance, let’s say you find foreign text written on a product. You can use the App to see its translation by merely scanning it.

What does Google Lens offer?

Here is what makes Google Lens an innovative app:

It allows you to take action on the text

You are at a restaurant and see an item on the menu that you have never heard of before. You can look it up directly from the menu without typing it out. You can do so by scanning the menu on your Google Lens app. Similarly, you can get directions about a printed location, call a number, and get a translation, all directly from the text.

Identify items

The next time you see a breed of dog you don’t recognize or a plant that you wish to buy but don’t know the name of, all you need to do is use the app to search about it. The app will look at the photo, identify the item and deliver information regarding.

Finding similar outfits, furniture or décor

Do you ever see someone wearing an outfit and wish to replicate it? Google Lens can allow you to find similar items that you like. Rather than describing the item on the search box, all you need to do is take a picture, and the app will automatically display similar things to you.


This app has revolutionized how people search for items online. It comes as no surprise that it is on the list.

You can check out these five apps and decide for yourself if they are worth it or not.


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