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MaaS scooter sharing is the new craze

24/01/2025 20mins
Phani Kumar S


Is scooter the next hot transport for a commute around the city? For decades, people have used bicycle rides and cabs to move around the city. However, it looks like electric scooters happen to be the most on-demand ride nowadays.

Yes, that is right. In the United States, two startups, namely Lime and Bird are already worth more than a billion dollars each. As a result of this, they can be considered as being in the unicorn category.

While electric scooters are still very prevalent in the United States and can be found in the major cities such as San Francisco, Washington D.C, and the streets of Europe. However, electric scooters are still not widely found in the United Kingdom.

Perhaps, the prime reason why the electric scooters are missing on the streets of London is that the driving authority in the United Kingdom does not allow scooters on the road. However, both Lime and Bird are trying to change this law which will bring new regulations allowing UK residents to move around on their electric scooters.

Let us talk a little about the growing craze of scooter sharing.

Two major startups operating in the United States, are already worth more than a billion dollars each. This simply suggests the fact that the people in the United States find it extremely exciting and exhilarating to share a scooter ride.

Considering the fact that several million people in the United States have already tried electric scooters, one can presume that a good market for companies such as Bird and Lime exists in the country. As far as the incomes go, it has been estimated that the startup Bird makes about $11 on a single day from a single electric scooter in Santa Monica. On the other hand, it looks like the startup Lime makes more than Bird in a busy city such as San Francisco with average revenue at around $20 for each scooter in the city. These statistics have been reported by Quartz.

According to most of the estimates that have been made, it can be concluded that electric scooter startups make around $2 per ride in revenue. As a result of this, it can be estimated that a startup company such as Lime may be able to pull in about $15 million as annual revenue considering the average number of rides in a year. At the same time, it has been estimated that Lime may be able to pull in about $760 million in a year in case it extrapolates the 55000 rides throughout the United States.

While the craze of people with respect to the electric scooters is high enough, it is not easy to figure out the exact revenue potential that exists for startups like these. However, there are some skeptics according to whom unrealistic evaluations are being made regarding these startups.

All in all, we can clearly see that MaaS scooter sharing is indeed the new craze among people. After all, it is something different and is hence, bound to attract a lot of attention from the general public.


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