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IoT versus 5G
Prasobh V Nair
The world of the internet continues to have a dominating impact on the lives of people this century. The internet has been a major game changer for humanity, and while yes, the internet has led to some deterioration of values, which happens due to one’s own volition. Regardless, the advent of the internet has connected people across the world, and gaining information has never been more convenient. While technology continues to improve, the question is not how far we can go, but how fast. With the introduction of 5G, internet connectivity will soar to new heights. On the other hand, how this will mesh with our current understanding of IoT will depend, but first, we will get ourselves familiar with the terms.
What is IoT, and how does it work?
IoT stands for “The internet of things” To put it in simple terms, it is the system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people and can transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. In this definition, the ‘thing’ can refer to a patient with a heart transplant or a car with built-in sensors; the essential part is that an IP address can be assigned to the object to transfer data. An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled smart devices that use embedded processors, sensors and communication hardware to collect, send and act on data they acquire from their environments. These devices can sometimes receive information from other devices and act on their own.
Benefits of IoT
Overall, the IoT brings a lot of benefits for organizations. This includes being time and money efficient, integrating and adapting business models, improving customer experience and overall business processes. The overall revenue increases as a result. IoT overall allows corporations to re-think and adjust their business models and adapt to new strategies.
The advent of 5G
The hype around 5G and its relation to the IoT industry has been growing exponentially since its initial launch in 2012. So far, many telecoms have promised that 5G will be the next-generation mobile network that provides everything from superfast bandwidth speeds, to ultra-low latency, to ten-times the geographic coverage. Expected to be used commercially by the year 2020, it is greatly anticipated by organizations and individuals alike. 5G will be a crucial factor in mobile innovation as well, but we will first know how it holds up with the current IoT.
IoT and 5G
Before we get too hopeful, we won’t see massive 5G deployment for an IoT product anytime soon. Given the rate at which cellular networks are established, it will be some time yet before 5G networks are widespread enough to roll out a global IoT product. And even if we were to examine the current benefits of 5G as true, it’s possible that 5G is just not meant for IoT. Looking at the current situation, we see what our current needs for IoT are. Primarily we care about are three things: price, coverage, and lower power consumption. The near future thus may not harness the full potential of 5G onto our IoT systems.