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How is AI Powered Automation Boosting Business Performance?


How is AI-Powered Automation Boosting Business Performance?


AI has become a part of our daily lives, and its uses are continuing to grow. AI automation has taken automation to a whole new level. According to the IBM Institute for business value, in 2022 alone, AI-powered automation will generate billions of dollars in labor value.

With AI automation, businesses can compete in challenging markets, boost revenue and business efficiency. AI saves time and gives better customer service with smarter human interactions.


This article explores how AI Automation is changing the landscape for businesses and the challenges that AI Automation Solves.


What is AI-Powered Automation?


AI-powered automation is the use of AI such as deep learning and machine learning together with automation to produce even greater results. In AI automation, machines make decisions based on the situations they have encountered, analyzed, and learned from. AI automation is different from just automation because, based on the environment in which it is operating, the AI can start, stop, or alter the work that it is doing.


With AI automation, the benefits of AI and automation are used together to boost business performance. Automation provides efficiency, ability to scale, better speed, and labor-saving benefits. AI technology provides flexibility, insights, and processing power. AI automation for businesses allows them to offload repetitive tasks, and better augment their capabilities while doing so. 


Business Performance and AI


AI-powered automation is used to streamline business processes across different areas of an organization. Some of the business performance areas and AI automation’s effect on them is as follows:




AI-powered automation can also be used for email marketing. Emails can be sent out to a client distribution list on a predefined schedule with email marketing automation software. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and marketing efforts can be combined to target customers with automated messages.


Human Resources


A wide variety of HR tasks such as interview scheduling, job application processing, onboarding, employment offers, benefits administration, and payroll management can be automated through AI. AI-powered automation may also be used for workforce productivity by using analytics for insights.


Finance and accounting


Tasks related to financial planning and accounting can be automated to allow the company to focus on more important things like analysis, strategy, and collaboration with stakeholders.


Sales Process


Enterprises often struggle with spending more logging deal-related activities rather than making deals. To solve this, AI automation tools can be used to automate repetitive tasks such as creating data-backed sales forecasts, assigning the prospects to the right rep, qualifying leads, etc.


Challenges That AI Automation Solves


Choosing whether or not your business needs AI automation can be a difficult task. Here, we are showing you the challenges that AI can solve with its advantages.


Business costs


Whether you are a profit-making firm or an institution, budgets and margins are always being squeezed in today’s landscape of rising costs. AI automation can reduce the time that it takes for your employees to complete processes. This can save money because, with the extra employee time, you can either downsize your team or take on more clients. With this, you can create long-term savings for your organization.


Repetitive tasks


Repetitive tasks are actions or elements that need to be repeated many times and hence are very mundane. These include a collection of customer information, reporting, paying bills, responding to emails, scheduling meetings, etc. No employee desires to work these repetitive tasks for hours on end. With AI automation, you can streamline these business processes, saving time and increasing efficiency.


Human error


Human error is inevitable while performing tasks. While unavoidable, these errors might be harmful to the business. AI automation can help put an end to this problem. Automation makes sure that these mistakes are weeded out. In this way, you can save your resources, clients’ time, and rework requirements.


Employee Satisfaction


When employees are happy and satisfied with the work culture and management of the company, the business flourishes. An unhappy work environment can impact the bottom line of the business directly.


AI-powered automation can provide your staff with more creativity and freedom. With AI automation, they can take on more challenging and stimulating tasks. Because of increased employee satisfaction, your workplace will have better employee retention, which in turn will save you money.


You also improve your employee’s satisfaction by sending automated reminders about opportunities like employee training and more.


Client Service time


In a competitive market, how fast you can service your client is very important. The faster you can process information for the client, the better. Intelligence automation makes it possible to provide very fast service to clients. With it, the customers get satisfaction, and the business saves time and money. Better client servicing also helps you retain customers for a long time and get better reviews for other customers.


Recruitment of the Right Talent


The key to a sustainable future is finding the right people and developing the right skills. Good recruits can reduce costs, enhance the reputation of the business, and bring in the very best talents to your enterprise. Employees are the backbone of any organization, and without the right talent, the organization suffers.


AI Automation technologies can be used by companies to increase their competitive advantage in hiring. It also reduces the time that is taken to hire new candidates usually.


How Can Focaloid Help?

Focaloid Technologies provides leading-edge digital solutions to make you thrive in the digital economy. ExpertAI and Machine learning technologies are leveraged into intellectual and advanced products and applications through our platform. The building and deployment of intelligent solutions at scale are done by our experienced data scientists and AI developers.


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