How is 5G opening up new IoT possibilities?
With the start of the year 2019, there is a range of new opportunities and challenges that which the Internet of Things faces. The year 2019 is already being considered as the year that will bring a lot of innovation, led by 5G technologies.
In case the 5G technology comes soon, the entire world will exchange, communicate, learn, and progress faster than it ever has.
Essentially, the 5G technology will allow an increasing number of IoT devices to connect wirelessly, and to move a greater amount of data. As a result of this, greater responsiveness will be achieved. ‘’
Simply put, 5G has expanded on the earlier 4G technology allowing greater functionality and more sustainability. At the current moment, 4G modules are quite expensive, require complicated plans for internet, and consume a lot of energy. As a result of this, many businesses still make use of 3G technology.
As we move forward, 5G technologies will ignite the consumer demands for autonomous processes, improvements in the health industry and manufacturing, and better efficiency in the agriculture sector. As a result of this, cities will turn into ‘smart cities’ at an accelerating rate.
The high data rates, high bandwidth, and lower latency of the 5G technology will be capable of transmitting huge packets of data between one car to the other, to a traffic signal or a street light, bouncing off to another vehicle, and then to another. In other words, an increasing number of devices will become interconnected with each other.
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This is perhaps the biggest benefit of 5G technology. It has been predicted by Gartner that by the end of the year 2020, we will have more than 20 billion devices connected to each other. In other words, the number of interconnected devices will significantly exceed the number of people on Earth.
It is quite interesting to note that these devices will be 5G supported devices. Ultimately, connections between devices with smaller sensors will also form. This will include a range of different objects and small devices. Ultimately, each and everything will become more responsive.
In addition to the internet of things, the 5G technology is also expected to open up a range of doors for virtual reality and augmented reality. By this time, each router in the house would have its dedicated cell site. Indeed, the implications of 5G technology are endless and could perhaps bring a whole new industrial revolution.
By the end of the year 2019, a lot of opportunities for 5G technology can be predicted. It is expected that all of the future applications of 5G will go beyond one’s wildest imagination. Considering all the boasting and hype that surrounds 5G, it looks like 2019 is going to be the year of great promise and potential.