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Everything You Need To Know Before Opting For App Modernization


Everything You Need To Know Before Opting For App Modernization 


This is the age of digital transformation. For an organization to grow, compete, and stand out, they require the best performance from their business applications. Modern software applications don’t get along well with legacy systems that several organizations are using. Exploring application modernization will be beneficial for organizations if they want to gain an edge over their competitors. 


Application modernization replaces or updates old applications and the platforms they run on with the latest features and abilities to help with the organization’s current work needs. There are different strategies for app modernization as different applications have different needs.


In this article, we will take a look at the basics of application modernization, its benefits, strategies, and challenges. 


What Is Application Modernization?


App Modernization can be compared to renovating your aged home by adding better and more efficient structures and amenities. The practice of updating older software with modern computing approaches is known as App Modernization. These computing approaches include newer frameworks, infrastructure platforms, and languages. App modernization extends the life of the existing system instead of completely retiring it. It allows the organization to use the benefits of modern technological innovations. 


Benefits Of Application Modernization
  1. Flexibility-
    App modernization helps businesses in creating new features and services that can serve the business needs and goals. These new features can be made and modified by companies to fit their business requirements. Obsolete legacy systems make it harder for businesses to adapt to the modern customer’s needs. 
  2. Better Customer Experience-
    In today’s competitive market, having the best customer experience is as necessary as the price of the software. Development in applications and their platforms makes it easier for customers to navigate through the system. We all know that the latest technological development is better. Therefore, the fast and efficient solutions provided by modern technologies will be preferred by customers. Incorporating a cloud environment into your application with app modernization is common. This makes it easy to retrieve data and information when necessary.
  3. Enhanced Security
    Time and again, we have seen how cyberattacks can harm businesses by costing them a loss of essential information and customers. Legacy applications do have monitoring and updating facilities for the latest cyber attacks. However, the dominant security features that come with cloud-native applications are time and cost-saving and don’t require to be looked over by IT teams.
  4. Growth Of Revenue Streams
    The flexibility of modern applications allows businesses to add new services that can add value to the customer’s needs. This expands their business and builds new revenue streams.With application modernization, enterprises can stand out from other businesses and also have a better customer experience. This will lead to more recommendations and leads for the enterprise and, hence, better revenue too.
  5. Disposal Of The Technical Debt
    Technical debt is the delay in necessary work or code in software development to reach a deadline. This delay starts accumulating ‘interest’ that causes more difficulty in the future to make changes to the software. Bugs, lack of scalability, application maintenance cost, etc., are all problems that can arise from obsolete software. Modernizing outdated software will help in disposing of this technical debt by requirement prioritizing and agile development.


Strategies For Modernizing Applications


Once you decide to modernize your application, the strategies to do this come into the picture. The first step of the modernization plan is to assess the app technologies, the ROI available, the interdependence of the app with other systems, its eligibility for cloud migration, etc.


There are different strategies for modernizing applications:


  • One of them is the ‘lift-and-shift’ method, where you move the application’s underlying resources to the cloud as it is. 
  • Another strategy is to break down monolithic applications into microservices models. The application is also containerized to make the components independent of one another. This causes agility, reduced costs, faster time to market, and a better customer experience in the application.
  • Rebuilding the application from the start into a cloud-native application is another app modernization strategy. This accelerates the development and deployment of apps, reduces overall operating costs, and gives better value. 
  • An organization can also replace a legacy application with a faster and smoother cloud solution while keeping the functionality of the legacy application.


What Are The Challenges Of App Modernization?


The challenges faced while app modernization is adopted are as follows:


  1. Disorder Between Business And Technology Teams
    In many enterprises, technological decisions are being taken by the business teams without consultation with IT teams. Because anyone can get cloud services or modern applications for their departments, a number of apps that overlap in functionality are being integrated into the company. This causes problems for the IT department in integrating such applications.
  2. API-Only Strategy
    The easiest way of getting legacy apps into the cloud is through cloud APIs. However, just adding APIs makes it difficult to make the app scalable. Modernization requires breaking monolithic applications into microservices that are made for clouds.
  3. App Modernization Is Difficult To Learn And Implement
    Special expertise by trained professionals is required for app modernization. The existing tools for modernization are complicated and hard to learn. This also causes a decrease in the number of individuals who can accomplish these tasks.
  4. Budget Constraints
    The budget and ROI (return on investment) are factors that can make app modernization efforts challenging. Organizations fear budget overrun that may arise with new systems and applications and various up-front costs.
How Focaloid Can Help You With App Modernization


Focaloid Technologies provides app development services, which include app modernization too. We provide expert architects and developers who can help modernize legacy applications through UX & UI revamps, migration to the cloud, architecture upgrades, and technology/ platform migration. We have a  proven track record of developing world-class products that are reliable, scalable, and secure with superior performance.




IT applications have a short lifespan, and when their technology becomes outdated, this becomes even shorter. The features and functionality of outdated technologies can hamper customer experience and negatively impact the business. With app modernization, you can get a cost-effective and flexible solution that optimizes your app performance and functionality.


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