Envisioning Virtual Reality

27/07/2024 20mins
Phani Kumar S


Machine learning and artificial intelligence have gathered a lot of attention, especially in the area of disruptive technology. Augmented reality and virtual reality, on the other hand, are also showing equally great prospects.

Recently, the president of applied VT, Josh Sackman recently had a chat with the Samsung Business Insights. The purpose was to learn the future of the Augmented reality and virtual reality and to talk about their impacts in the future.

According to Sackman, there has not been enough enhancement in Virtual reality when it comes to gaming and entertainment. It is not yet aligned with the needs of the consumers in this sector. However, talking about sectors such as healthcare, there is a unique value that virtual reality is providing.

Patients who are dealing with chronic diseases, pain, and anxiety do not have a lot of aid other than traditional medicines. By using virtual reality in this case, a patient can be transported to somewhere where he/she feels more relaxed. This can allow patients dealing with anxiety and pain to cope up with their condition better in a rather engaging and fun way.

There are a number of modalities for therapeutic treatment that which virtual reality has introduced in the healthcare system. In this sector, virtual reality conditions to bring innovation and shows great prospects for the future.

When it comes to the transformation of workplaces, virtual reality may have a number of applications. However, different organizations take time in identifying how the new technology fits into their environment and can create value for them. For instance, in the health sector, virtual reality may be highly beneficial to make patients feel better. However, if the application of virtual reality in this sector is not demonstrated on large scale, it is not likely to get adopted at that scale.

While the virtual reality technology is still young, it is a golden time period for organizations to explore how it fits into their organization. Moreover, organizations can make use of this time to figure out if virtual reality technology could align with their strategic initiatives. Essentially, a virtual reality application should not be considered as being different from another content experience. Rather, it should be seen as an extension of ways in which communication is done, employees are trained, and in which customer relationship is strengthened.

According to Sackman, the areas in which VR helps in building empathy and aiding in expanding the experiences of people, are the areas that present interesting use cases for VR.

This is because most of the growth in humans come through various experiences. At the same time, virtual reality technology simply provides a hack for creating a particular experience artificially. While it also includes rooms for a lot of things to go wrong, the opportunities to create applications for enriching the lives of people are great! This is the power of virtual reality at large, and could essentially be a popular use case in the future. All in all, virtual reality has a bright future.


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