Apple’s Research Kit over Traditional Research Techniques

23/10/2024 20mins
Ramesh Ch


  1. Access thousands of research volunteers – Approximately 700 million people use Apple iPhone. Without large numbers, studies can’t generate the robust data needed to help them develop wider-ranging or individualized treatments. Research Kit simplifies recruiting and makes it easy for people to sign up for a study no matter where they live in the world. Being able to access thousands of patients’ data from a broad geographical reach and diverse background could help speed up research.
  2. Acquire precisely objective and accurate data – with advanced sensors like an accelerometer, barometer, and gyroscope, iPhone also provides Research Kit apps the capability to collect objective, accurate and precise data.
  3. Enable doctors and researchers to focus more on actual research – by allowing participants to complete tasks or submit surveys right from iPhone.
  4. Encourage participants to act responsible towards a bigger cause – participants recline from participating in a medical research mainly thinking about those never ending survey forms that they will have to complete. However, research kit change the dimension of medical research and primarily with the Informed Consent module in it, the kit puts forth medical research participation as each individual participant (iPhone user) responsibility without any time and location barriers.


  1. Allows researchers to stop juggling with stacks of handwritten surveys and lengthy forms — and the expensive data entry and storage that come with them.
  2. Enable multiple participation by volunteers – your handheld phone being your tool to participate enables a single person suffering from multiple diseases to participate right from their homes/work stations in multiple researches conducted by various medical institutions simultaneously.
  3. Reduce Misinterpretation and Duplication of Data Errors – since surveys and activities are captured by your iPhone, there stands less chance of misinterpretation of data collected. Manual entry of survey forms usually face the challenge of data misinterpretation and also collecting data from a single volunteer twice. When submit data over iPhone, it rightly stores your information so will not request you to complete a second round of entering similar data.
  4. Encourage Active participation by promising mutual benefit – many people feel reluctant to participate in a paper based medical research mainly because they feel they have to share their medical data for no particular personal benefit and so recline from investing time into it. Medical research kit helps participants to share their medical data and get right guidance from the concerned research personnel with regard to their health condition status in understandable format. Thus, medical researchers get their data frequently and participants on a micro level experience timely medical guidance and on a macro level they feel a sense of achievement by contributing to the efforts of medical science to advance.

Above said 8 points mainly contribute to the technical benefit of research kit over other techniques. However one main non-technical reason we can observe why research kit stands high chance to succeed is the growing trend of people across the globe to live online more than offline. If we observe various social sites we learn that people share things more openly online than they share with people when meet face-to-face. Also the growing number of downloading of various mobile apps like whatsapp, hike, etc, point to the fact that chatting online, without age limits, has crossed our communications offline.


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