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How DevOps Innovates the Way You Run Your Business


How DevOps Innovates the Way You Run Your Business

Businesses interact with their customers through software delivered as a service or enterprise application systems. These types of software usually influence every part of a business’s value chain, from communication to operations. It also helps in generating revenue and higher profits. While innovating your software, getting them in the competitive market is better for your company to thrive.


In such a competitive market, being quick differentiates between success and failure. Therefore consistency is required, so companies must work on their go-to-market strategy and innovate to build and deliver software solutions efficiently. In this regard, leveraging the power of DevOps processes helps achieve these milestones faster and with less hassle. 

What Is DevOps?


DevOps can be understood as a process that combines cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that improve a business’s capacity to deliver software solutions at a high velocity. Under this process, all teams including development, operations, and marketing, among others work in collaboration instead of being siloed. This prevents communication gaps and makes the software development cycle smoother and more seamless.  


DevOps helps businesses enhance their go-to-market for rapid software delivery and incident management. It is a better and quicker method to develop and deliver software products and services to customers. Since the DevOps model comprises technology, people, and processes, it creates better room for the teams to interact with customer requirements, and business vision, increase confidence in the apps they build, achieve business goals, and compete more effectively in the market. 


Why DevOps Matters?


Since the tech landscape is a crucial link to this paradigm shift, DevOps allows one to adapt and grow their business according to industry trends and future needs. It creates an ever-changing environment in the following ways:


  • Continuous changes in frameworks and integrations to incorporate new technologies are usually used by DevOps teams to deliver the best quality results. 
  • Programming languages evolve and new ones are created almost every year. DevOps processes always remain up-to-date about such changes. 
  • Lowering the infrastructural tools that keep up with the requirements for hosting applications more efficiently and delivering services more quickly. 
  • Tools reduce engineering overhead by operating to abstract low-level computing with only minor human intervention. This negates issues of high costs and programming errors.
  • There is no gap in communication as teams coordinate and collaborate on every step of the product development and deployment cycle. 


Being able to adapt to changes becomes the biggest hurdle in your path toward the growth of your business. So it’s better to eliminate it as quickly as possible. DevOps teams ensure that such changes occur fast and only positively impact a business in the long run. 

How Does DevOps Work?


When operation, marketing, and development teams combine across the entire software life cycle, they’re termed DevOps. It also leverages the agile methodology to deliver faster results. These teams used to work in isolated settings, which created miscommunication, poor alignment, and production delays. 


DevOps works on the continuous automation cycle throughout Software Delivery Lifecycle (SDLC) processes which imply Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Testing, and Continuous Operations. This makes the entire product development cycle seamless, cost-effective, and faster.

Product Lifecycle with DevOps 


DevOps model can impact the application lifecycle throughout its phases which are codependent on each other. Although these phases may not be role centric, in an actual DevOps practice, each role is involved to some extent. The DevOps phases are discussed in the paragraphs below:



This is the first phase where DevOps teams hypothesize, define and analyze the capabilities of the systems or applications they are developing. They can track the progress with fine precision regardless of the low or high level of development necessary. This is done by monitoring bugs, creating backlogs using Kanban boards, managing agile software development with Scrum, and visualizing progress with dashboards. This is also the ideation phase when the purpose of the end product is aligned with the business vision, mission, and goals.



The next phase is an end-to-end design phase. This is when the designers and developers come together to chart out the design integrals such as logos, color palettes, actionable buttons, images, videos, and so on. These design elements and their use are also cleared with the developers who will then program the software based on the design furnished.



This phase involves scripting and coding the product using DevOps processes. At this stage, a team of programmers uses multiple programming languages, frameworks, and optimization tools to deliver quality software products. This is achieved through productivity tools, automation, and other integrations. DevOps work consistently without compromising on stability, quality, and productivity.



This is the phase when the product developed is tested in multiple environments by experts and debugging of the problems takes place. If there are errors or gaps identified during this phase, the product is sent back to the development stage again. 



The process of routinely and reliably putting programs into production is known as delivery or deployment. This phase also comprises creating and delivering fully regulated software solutions that are aligned with the business goals. During this step, the team can establish the release management process and make the product available to customers. Automating these procedures make your team repeatable, scalable, and controllable. As a result, a DevOps team has the ability to offer quick services with efficacy and simplicity.

Troubleshooting and Upgrades: 


This phase involves maintaining, monitoring, and troubleshooting software solutions. The team can ensure the system’s reliability, availability, and downtime by working with the DevOps model. They have complete visibility into applications and the underlying system. In this phase, they’re able to look into issues being faced by the customer.

How Does DevOps Accelerate Business Innovation?


With rising user needs and an increasing need for sophisticated software to be produced faster than ever, your business innovation practices need a 360-degree transformation. This is made possible with the help of DevOps, which improve collaboration, coordination, transparency as well as productivity. There are a plethora of benefits a company gets with the DevOps approach during the various app development phases. Below are the five most crucial advantages of using DevOps for any business to be innovative, available, and scalable:

Accelerate Time To Market


The DevOps approach allows businesses to quickly present new features or enhance existing ones and make them available to users faster. DevOps increase the revenue of business by accelerating time to market. Since IT, operations, and development teams work in collaboration, this reduces the time to develop, test, and implement the features of the end product.

Adapting To The Market And Competition


To thrive in this competitive market, consistency is necessary. Just having one outstanding idea or product does not help you stand out in the market. This is where the role of DevOps comes to play. DevOps delivers new codes quickly and securely. It also helps to enhance the customer experience with scalable and resilient applications. This enables you to get a pedestal in the market and strive in it by having a growing user base and profit.

Maintaining System Stability And Reliability


DevOps promotes continuous testing and automated testing. The team easily maintains system stability and reliability of software products while ensuring availability and high performance. Automated testing supports engineers in performing more accurate tests and analyzing results that are precise and predictive, providing immediate feedback on the build, and monitoring each step of the process. When the team looks for results, the DevOps approach ensures time savings for speeding up the availability of the end product and its upgrades.

Improving The Meantime To Recovery


A longer MTTR would impact the company with a heavier financial jerk. DevOps has a solution for MTTR that stands for mean time to recovery. When the service goes down, the time for repair, response, and recovery is sped up by DevOps. Since there is mission-critical system monitoring, getting real-time insights into degraded performance and total outages due to incidents and failures is accessible. Along with acquiring real-time information with precision, DevOps also helps to automate the incident-management system. This results in minimizing the severity quickly and ultimately lower MTTR.

Improved Customer Experience Capabilities


DevOps helps make the development process quicker and enhances the quality of customer experience. It also focuses on the unique aspects of customer experience while using the software under development. DevOps professionals keep track of the perspective and needs of customers, And according to those parameters, they develop the software for the business. Though, they don’t just create new features quickly but also enhance and define the entire customer experience of the product.

Final Thoughts


Having the correct DevOps strategy and implementing it successfully would help in producing a uniform end-to-end delivery of software solutions. It helps companies to develop and release features quickly to satisfy the expectations of their customer. Not only do they provide speed but quality products as well. This also helps the company assess customer feedback and improve on the required parts. And it gives companies an advantage in the competitive market by making changes based on feedback and improving the product. DevOps has several benefits for a business, including both technical and non-technical. They not only help in improving business operations but also efficiency, employee collaboration & communication, as well as customer experiences. To know more contact a top-end IT consulting firm like Focaloid technologies today!


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