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Why You Need Quality Web Design in 2022?


Why Do You Need Quality Web Design in 2022?

More and more people and organizations are realizing the importance of good web design for their respective websites. We take a look at the reasons why stellar web design is not a luxury but a necessity. It is a proven fact that money invested in designing a fresh site or redesigning an existing site will reap manifold returns in the long run.


Benefits of Stellar Web Design


  • Superior Customer Service and Satisfaction

Better web design means better navigation for customers. They are able to find what they are looking for easily and in less time. This gives you an edge over the existing competition. Make sure your pricing is visible, highlighted smartly, and easy to understand. Then the users come to know about your superior value proposition over your competitors. It makes business sense to invest in an attractive, modern, and uncluttered website. Users will spend more time on a beautifully designed site which will likely result in more inquiries and/or purchases. If your website delivers personalized and efficient customer service then users will believe that your physical store(s) will do too. Make sure product/service information is complete and simple to grasp. This way users will be better able to make better decisions on purchases.


  • Be Ahead of Your Competitors

Don’t underestimate your competitors. They are most likely to be tech-savvy and have already invested in well-designed websites. If your web design is of poor quality then users will switch to competitor websites for their unique and specific needs and preferences. A useful tip is to spend sufficient time browsing and studying the websites of your main competitors. Brainstorm on how to have a better and more appealing website design for your business. This is definitely not a one-time task. It is recommended that you indulge in this benchmarking exercise at least once a year. Most users’ psychology links better websites to better products and/or services. As a result, the best-designed websites garner a lion’s share of the market. This results in enhanced image, revenue as well as profits.


  • Obtain More Leads

Leveraging elements of optimum website design you can drive traffic to exclusive offers, available options, and effective calls to action. You can better communicate why your products/services are superior and why now is the best time to buy. Offer discounts, free shipping, and other benefits to bag the user. Make the shopping experience pleasant as well as extremely user-friendly. This will lead to more leads and most likely more conversions. Modern web design emphasizes responsiveness. Today most people use their mobiles/smartphones to research products/services they are interested in. Make sure your website looks and functions seamlessly on all available device types, particularly mobiles. As most people use their mobiles to make purchases making it easy and convenient for folk to do E-commerce transactions.


  • Minimize Bounce Rates

The percentage of folk that lands on a particular website and abandons it after browsing only a single page is termed bounce rate. Reasons include poorly designed sites, difficult navigation, outdated content, and slow-loading pages. Invest in the design of your website. Make sure all the pages load quickly. The content should be short and up to the point for brevity. Make use of innovative headings and add subheadings to the content when required. Ensure that the content is updated regularly and is fresh. Users should be able to quickly know what are your offerings and what are the prices you offer. Folk should not struggle to find desired information or make a purchase. Pages should load quickly irrespective of the devices that the users are using. There should be minimum content, images, and videos. Then your site will look clean and readability will be significantly enhanced. A well-organized site will result in minimum bounce rates. Having a stellar and well-planned site speaks volumes about your business and how well you treat prospective as well as existing customers.


  • Speed Up Loading of Websites

Professional web design companies have expertise and experience in ensuring that your website loads fast on all existing devices. They know which types of images are heavy and hence slow leading. Hence, they used light types of images that load quickly. The website includes the right number of images and videos. This ensures a quality user experience while taking care of site loading speed. Competent web design firms also know which technology to use on your websites. They use technologies that enable fast-loading sites rather than technologies that slow down your precious site. Users don’t have the patience to wait for sites that load slowly. In such a scenario they abandon that particular website. Users love fast-loading sites that are beautifully designed and offer useful as well as relevant information. So, if your existing website is slow loading, invest in images, videos, and website development technology that make your site load quickly. 


  • Is Good for your Site’s SEO

Users go through mostly the first and second pages of search engine results. If your website is not on the first 2 pages then users will not even know you exist. You definitely don’t want that to happen. Stellar web design entities design your site in such a way that your website ranks higher in search engine results. Search engines look at whether your site is fast loading, has original content, is responsive, and includes a number of images and videos.  Superior SEO makes your business noticed, gets viewers to visit the site, and gives you an opportunity to influence and impress them. The result is consistent and more business for your organization which translates into more revenue and profits. It is a must that your website is created using SEO-friendly code.


  • Quality and Fresh Content

This is an integral element of quality web design. No one likes copied or old content. Have someone update your website with original and relevant material. This involves a lot of research and knowledge of the latest trends. Users will keep coming back if the content is useful and well-presented. That way you will acquire a loyal user base. You can subtly target them with personalized and attractive offers.  Don’t make the mistake of pushing them. Have patience and you will get conversions. The key word here is indirect marketing. Ensure that the included content should be short and up to the point. Have smartly placed and apt headlines and subheadings for the readers to skim and read only what interests them. Use simple language for better effects as well as results. Proof the content for spelling mistakes and correct grammar. Avoid technical jargon and smartly organize your content. As is popularly said a picture is worth a thousand words. Use high-quality and minimum images and videos along with the text. By the way, use white space liberally. It makes your site easy to read and users can spot offerings with little effort.


Other Benefits


If you have a professional-looking site, it fosters trust among customers. It gives a good first impression about your company. Note that your website is the face of your company. People will judge your brand on the basis of your website. A tip is not to have different designs for different pages of your website. It confuses your customers. Use the same colors, logo, and font types that you use for your branding in the other mediums for instance the print medium.  Users should recognize your brand and that is only possible if you maintain uniformity.  A stellar website is an opportunity to create a great and lasting impression on newcomers. 


Tips to Select the Right Web Design Agency


  • Study Their Website

If the web design company’s website is poorly designed then chances are they are not competent. Even if the website is good, check out the websites in their respective portfolios. If they have experience designing websites of companies having the same domain as yours then it is a big plus. It is advised to hire firms having experience designing websites for entities in the same domain as yours.


  • Location

If the firm is located nearby then you can have face-to-face meetings which is the best way to communicate and collaborate. Preferred locations are countries such as India which have quality web design firms that charge reasonably and are more likely to fit your budget.


  • Price

Check whether you can afford their services. Spend sufficient time in identifying competent web design firms. Choose the firm you can afford but at the same time check whether their deliverables match your quality standards.


  • Follow Best Practices

The prospective firm should have proven and systematic processes for web design in place. Avoid entities that operate on an ad hoc basis. It’s risky to outsource to small or inexperienced web design firms. Have a discussion with the key staff of the web design agency to get an idea of how they operate as well as communicate.




So, if you don’t have a website for your business or want to upgrade your existing site, make the task of professional web design a top priority. Initially check and verify whether you have the in-house capacity. If you don’t have then outsource the work to an established and professional web design agency. Allocate a budget and timeframe for this pressing task. Invite bids from interested parties and compare the value proposition. Give them a small paid task to evaluate their competency and speed of delivery. Give preference to entities having past experience in your domain. Vet them thoroughly before hiring them. 


About Us


Focaloid is a stellar software development products and services company catering to clients in the US & UK. We have the necessary expertise and experience in the full cycle of immaculate web design. For your information, Focaloid has a team of talented and seasoned professionals with extensive expertise in web design. Over time we have established a mature outsourcing model which is productive, efficient as well as effective. You can safely rely on us to deliver outstanding software solutions and services within stipulated deadlines. Contact us at your earliest to know how we can help you. We are committed to superior client satisfaction and mutual growth.



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