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Top 8 Software Development Trends in 2022


Top 8 Software Development Trends in 2022


Technology is evolving at unprecedented rates. And 2022 is shaping up to be an explosive year for the growth of technology. New software trends have started rising due to the after-effects of the pandemic. With dramatic measures taken in the last few years, the digital revolution has accelerated by leaps and bounds. The current software development trends include methods to make production smarter, leverage the power of data, and improve marketing techniques. Let’s check out the top  8 software trends of 2022. 


Software Development Trends to Look Out For in 2022


Artificial Intelligence


Ever since its introduction, AI has been touted as the next big thing in tech. In 2022, AI will find itself at the core of numerous new applications. From predictive analysis to speech recognition, AI has rapidly expanded through sectors and industries. In the coming years, it will not be limited to certain sectors but will positively impact even more areas. Ultimately, AI has separated itself as one of the biggest software development trends of  2022. 




13.1 billion devices will use IoT in 2022. To put it into perspective, that’s more than the total number of humans. Estimates predict that the number of IoT devices will cross 25 billion in 20230. The impact of such expansion will be felt in all areas of society, including offices, homes, and schools. Objects and gadgets will become networked. In the global supply chains, IoT will improve logistics. Packages will be able to track their own humidity, location, and temperatures, constantly communicating the data over the net. Goods will be delivered at a lower cost, and delivery times will improve. IoT will highly show how connectivity between objects can boost the economy. 


Big Data


The big data will be even bigger in 2022, and it will continue getting bigger. As hardware catches up to software, the big data market will expand. Smaller software development trends will empower such services with machine learning sets to be improved further. With even faster processing speed, big data analytics will determine how businesses bring down costs and improve margins. Big data is all set to play a huge role in the automotive industry. Its use in the automotive industry is set to touch 5$ billion with annual growth of 10%. If done right, it can enhance vehicular safety. Considering its applications and future potential, big data is an explosive trend.


Progressive Web Apps


Progressive Web Apps, or PWA, are a combination of a downloaded app and a web app. It runs in the browser but has comparable features to full-blown apps. These apps have an obvious appeal among both customers and businesses. As such, PWAs have found themselves as one of the top software development trends and are more in use than ever. They cost less to design and run the same code on all devices. The tech has evolved over the years and provided developers tools to design even more interactive apps. Javascript allows many features of full-blown apps to be supported on the web as well.


Cloud Services


Popularized as a byproduct of the pandemic, cloud technology has found rapid acceptance among businesses. As remote work has become more mainstream, the reliance on the cloud has increased. Sharing of documents, code, and other data is made possible with the cloud. Needless to say, cloud tech has grown exponentially and will likely not settle down anytime soon. Cloud has found itself as a critical piece of infrastructure on par with other critical utilities. 


Low-cost Development


Low-cost development is the production of software using tools rather than programming them from scratch. Although an option, it wasn’t particularly accepted. However, Cody has accentuated the demand for remote programmers capable of making software. Low-cost development serves as an alternative to traditional programming. Due to its less preparation time, this software development trend allows more people to contribute. In the next few years, low-cost development may even supplement traditional coding by simplification of processes.


Human Enhancements


Wearables, Biohackigs, and other enhancements have grown a lot in recent years. People have become more health-conscious and demand constant monitoring of their bodies. This results in the demand for human enhancement devices. It can be used by construction companies to enhance the accessories of the workers. The tools will then monitor and detect health concerns and worksite threats. 


People who are in the business of lifting heavy objects can make use of exoskeletons that support the extra weight. Each of these technologies incorporates both software and hardware. Other devices of human enhancement include advanced prosthetic limbs and sensory implants. These can aid people with medical conditions. For example, a hearing-impaired person can use a device that increases the sound output and also integrates with the nervous system to deliver better results.




All these new software development trends coming in one after another need a platform to run on. And that is 5G. 5G supports transmission rates of 10 GBPS to support IoT, AI, and big analytics. 5G has been released for the public domain in a few areas and is expected to bring a revolution over the years. As  5G offers speeds that rival wired connections, it will provide an alternative for business as the main internet service. Mobile device software will become capable of using features that would not have been viable before. 5G is in its infancy right now. It is expected to replace the current 4G. In addition to being faster, 5G is also better at handling more devices. Thus 5G will be the go-to standard for mobile data. 


Focaloid: How can it help?


To keep up with the new software development trends, it is vital to hire the right software developers. At Focaloid, our experts are committed to staying by your side. Our seasoned developers bring their wealth of experience and talent to help you unlock the almost limitless opportunities of these trends. Our experts work closely in tandem with you to help you develop enterprise-grade solutions with assured quality and secured code. Whether you are looking for a custom solution or a software team, Focaloid will handle it all.




We’re in the midst of a digital transformation. The technological market is evolving at a fast pace, constantly churning out new opportunities. Organizations that make full use of the opportunities presented to them will find themselves growing. With increased efficiency, better customer service, and lower expense, businesses will be able to build trust and enhance security. Over the next few years, we will certainly see the adoption of cutting-edge technology. So it’s better to start with them today. 


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