Why Software Testing Services Are Relevant For Business


Why Software Testing Services Are Relevant For Business


Look back in time, and a number of costly software failures can be found dotting the not-so-distant history of technology. In 2014, Nissan recalled over a million cars due to a glitch in the airbag sensors. In 2018, after users reported frozen updates and signal loss, Apple was forced to pull its iOS 8 update an hour after its release! Tesco dissatisfied many customers when it cancelled its sale due to a software glitch that priced Apple iPads at £49.99 as opposed to £650 in 2012. Though these incidents might seem unrelated, together they highlight the importance of software testing services. 


What Are Software Testing Services?

Businesses aim to launch high-quality products free from defects. This is where software testing comes in. It involves evaluating an application/software to ensure it functions as per business requirements. It is a continuous testing process, running throughout the software lifecycle, that identifies and removes bugs and errors, allowing an organisation to deliver a high-performing product for maximum customer satisfaction. 

Software testing involves manual or automated tests. Both include defining the test environment, writing scripts, analysing the results and reporting findings. To streamline testing, top software testing companies integrate automated tests into the development process. This helps consistently evaluate software and fix errors early in the process.


Benefits of Software Testing

Minimise Costs: A 2017 Tricentis report quantified the losses due to software failures. Global companies faced a loss of $1.7 trillion in assets. In the US alone, losses stood at $2.84 trillion in 2018. Identifying and fixing bugs in the early stages serve to minimise such losses.

Security: A number of software glitches have led to data breaches, compromising the security of millions of users. Testing prevents such security issues from arising. 

Quality Assurance: Not testing a product before launch can have dire consequences. Software testing and quality assurance work together to mitigate such repercussions. Software testing handles technical aspects of development, fixing all errors before the product launch. Meanwhile, quality assurance reviews the entire process, including test cycles, to prevent possible errors in the future. 

Customer satisfaction: Software testing helps create products that deliver without running into functional problems, ensuring a smooth user experience, building trust and brand reputation and maximising customer satisfaction. 


Independent Versus In-House Software Testing

Many companies have in-house testing teams. However, with independent software testing services, companies can leverage expertise to streamline the testing and quality assurance process. Independent testing comes with several benefits, including an objectivity that can detect bugs otherwise missed. Managers need to expend less effort in training testers. Instead, they have access to professionals with a wealth of experience. Hiring an external team with a tried-and-tested methodology also reduces the time taken for the product to reach the market. 

One such independent testing organisation that provides end-to-end solutions is Focaloid. A top software testing company in the UK, with global presence in three countries, Focaloid’s comprehensive testing services provide access to expert knowledge and industry-standard practices for a cost-effective strategy and faster turn-around. 


Our Expertise

Focaloid’s iterative test design approach creates a collaborative testing process that systematically analyses written software to create agile applications, quickly. The organisation’s expertise spans a broad range—from functional testing and test automation to testing for performance as well as application security and penetration. 


Expert analysts conduct functionality tests to ensure the software works as it is meant to. Scripts are written for highest coverage and are automated using CI/CD tools to accelerate testing. For optimal application performance, the entire software design is analysed to identify and rectify any existing obstacles. Running the application through various loads ensures the developed product is robust and can efficiently manage heavy traffic. 


Our security experts identify vulnerabilities, enabling compliance with regulatory and information security requirements including HIPAA, CFR Part 11 and SOX. All applications are also validated in accordance with global cybersecurity standards. Monitoring and reporting are important steps—we track all defects and maintain a log till the very end. After fixing errors, the application is subjected to re-testing for maximum confidence in the developed product.


Key Technologies

We use a range of industry-standard technologies to streamline the software testing and quality assurance process. Open source automation tools such as Appium, Protractor and Katalon are used to run scripts and test mobile, web and hybrid applications. Cypress and Selenium are developer-friendly tools that provide end-to-end testing for the web. 


For performance testing, we rely on frameworks such as Apache Jmeter, BlazeMeter and LoadRunner. These analyse system behaviour and load-bearing capacity of the developed application by simulating a variety of loads during testing. 


Various open source and commercial technologies work to improve the application’s security. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and SANS provide such tools along with set standards against which to measure security. We also employ BurpSuite to quickly identify security vulnerabilities, scale scanning and protect both the developed application and its users against future cyber threats. The final software is developed in accordance with NIST, SANS and OWASP frameworks for web security. 


To make sure the Application Programming Interface (API) works as intended, our tests integrate automated API testing to measure performance using tools like Swagger Inspector, Postman, SoapUI and Charles for debugging. 

We also conduct cross browser testing using cloud-based tools such as Sauce Labs, AWS Lambda and BrowserStack, to verify that the application runs seamlessly across different browser environments. Powerful bug tracking systems such as BugZilla, QMetry, Mantis and TestLink help detect any software defects for rectification. 


With Focaloid, you get to launch high quality products that are secure, dependable and optimised for user experience. Our established testing methodology and use of the best technologies available aid in the development of robust applications, whether for the web, mobile or cloud. 


Our test design is specific to each partner organisation’s needs and requirements. Get in touch with Focaloid to learn how we can help you deliver the most trusted and reliable product to your customers. 



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