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10 Essential UI (User-Interface) Design Tips in 2022


10 Essential UI (User-Interface) Design Tips in 2022


When a user is able to perceive or complete a task on a website without much effort his satisfaction level increases, he lingers on for more time browsing through the pages and there is a probability of him visiting the site more frequently.  To create experiences for the visitors, a web designer has to employ and practice various effective and efficient User Interface(UI) Design tools and techniques.


What is User Interface Design


A User Interface design defines the ease with which a user understands and navigates through a website or an application. It is an area where innovating and out-of-the-box thinking of a web designer is very much appreciated. Here are a few User Interface Design tips that would help a designer add value to these projects.


10 Essential User Interface Design Tips


  • Conduct Survey to know your target audience

 The design of a product or service should be interactive, easy to use and meet the needs of the users if it has to gain popularity. To understand their requirements you need to conduct a research survey at every level of your design  process. Data gathered through the survey removes unnecessary confusion and guesswork. Instead it will provide a strong validation for your presumption regarding the user behaviour. Surveys help ease the process of User Interface Designing down the pipeline.



  • Keep in mind the aspects of visual design


The first and foremost thing that draws an user when interacting with a design of a product or services is its appearance. The aesthetics and presentation are two vital aspects that you should consider while creating  user interface design. Apply these three golden rules of visual design  to get an appealing user interface.



  1. Consistency – the colors, arrangement of the content, buttons and fonts have to be consistent throughout the application.
  2. Simplicity –  Follow the “Less is more” concept. UI design should be simple yet comprehensive to help a user solve the problems in a seamless manner.
  3. Familiarity –  User Interface Designer must consider the past experiences of the users and come up with a design that is familiar to the users but has better features. 



  • Concentrate on user experience and usability

UI designers must give weightage on the usability above other things. A friendly User Interface Design allows a user to complete all his relevant tasks quickly with less effort. Pleasantly designed interface that is relevant to the given industry, quick recovery from user errors and effortless learning curve that are not intimidating to the users- new and old, are some of the features that should be focused on.



  • Quick feedback is the key to good UI design


When an application or a webpage is not responsive it can be frustrating. A user interacts with an interface to get instant feed back or results. A good UI design has to ensure that a user gets  only the most relevant information as quickly as possible. There are times when a user may land on a webpage he didn’t intend to visit or if he has made an error, he should be able to find a way out by quickly revising the mistake and be on the right track.



  • Efficient use of the screen



People seek information on-the-go through their mobile phones and tablets. The designers have to use the screen space efficiently and effectively through a mix of white space, textual and video content to make the interface appealing to its users. Remember the size of the screen is small. Therefore, the content should be  structured, lucidly organized and the information should be delivered without any time lag. Start by designing for the smartphones and tablets before designing for the desktops.



  • Navigation should be easy



Navigation and content structure goes hand in hand and is critical to usability. Whether on a desktop or smart phones, users should be able to move between pages seamlessly. The content hierachy has to defined to navigate easily. The navigation areas should be prominent and visible for the quick accessibility of the user. 



  • Pay attention to the learning curve



 If a user has to spend considerable amount of time to learn the new interface, he would not hesistate to switch over to another application that is currently available to complete his task effortlessly. The reason is when a user interacts with a new design, he is actually signing up for a new better experience. An aspiring UI designer should give important to learning curve of the users to make sure that the users are able to get accustomed  and familirise with new designs/features easily.



  •  Icons and symbols should be easily recognizable


One of the challenging areas of User Interface designing is iconography. When you use icons, use ones that the users can easily relate with. For instance, a trash bin icon , means to discard. If you are using an abstract symbol, consider using text tips to explain to avoid misunderstanding.



  • Same experience across devices



Responsiveness of user interface should be same across all devices – smartphones, tablets and desktops. The size of the screen and the nature of the technology should not determine the user interface, i.e. the responsiveness of the UI should be same across all platforms. Remember, consistency is the key to an ideal User Interface design.



  • Create comprehensive UI design kit



UI designers have to be proactive and create a comprehensive UI design kit to deal with unexpected problems that may rise once users start interacting with it. The design kit should include everything starting from design specificaions, information regarding the color palette, font, design considerations among other project-specific details.



To sum up, a UI designer should be able to understand the requirements of the users  and the context in which they would use the application or service while making the design decisions. An aspiring User Interface Designer should not only uses reasearch data to help validate his hypotheses regarding the user requirements, but also get real users to test user interface to validate the solutions. He should maintain a check list to go back to whenever needed. He should listen to the data by thoroughly analysing it to find out whether the objectives of the project is met and make the future decisions accordingly. 


About Us

Focaloid is a stellar software services and solutions company catering to clients in the US and UK.  The company has a sizable pool of UI Designers having expertise and experience to meet the current day requirement. Reach out to us to meet your specific and unique User Interface designing requirements.


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